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In 2008 I engaged in the world of blogging with my original web site, “What’s On My PC”; for which, I had a good following. Fast forward to the present and the majority of independent tech bloggers disappeared due to the social media craze and the fact that the search engines caused a decline in site visits. My original blog fell victim to these factors and I opted to experiment (as a hobby) to see if there was another way to contribute to the world of tech.

Most recently, with the help of WordPress, I have put together the web site “” which consists of over 250 news feeds from the most reputable and known tech web sites on the internet. I have always loved following technology and thought that a collection of tech news feeds, that automatically updates, would be a beneficial as an educational component for anyone who wants to keep up with technology on a daily basis and be able to do that in a no frills, super fast, ad free environment.

Currently the site’s homepage (click here) will get you to daily tech news where you can quickly get a run down of what is happening (from over 250 sources) and if you prefer getting your news from specific sites, go to the “Directory” where you will find a complete listing from A to Z.

As I have indicated, this is and has been an experiment of sorts. Whether I get traffic to the site most likely will be dependent on people sharing the site with others. I have had a vision that educational institutions that feature tech as a curriculum could benefit from a site like mine. Only time will tell …

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