Featured Tech Website – ComputerWorld

  • If you believe European Commission Vice President Margrethe Vestager, Apple’s decision to delay introduction of its Apple Intelligence AI is a “stunning declaration” of its own anticompetitive behavior.  Having spent the morning listening to Vestager’s comments at a Forum Europa event, I’m full of a combined sense of horror and dismay. Because while touting the need to make Europe […]
  • From the editors of Computerworld, this enterprise buyer’s guide helps IT staff understand what the various unified-communications-as-a-service (UCaaS) options can do for their organizations and how to choose the right solution.
  • Android dominates smartphone usage throughout the world — in every region except North America and Oceania. Thus, businesses in many regions are likely to support and issue Android devices to employees as their mainstay mobile devices. Even in areas where Apple’s iPhone dominates or is comparable in market share, businesses are likely to support or […]
  • Box has unveiled a new set of features in Box AI that includes an integration with GPT-4o, support for image and spreadsheet files and the Box AI for Metadata API. In addition, the cloud content-management company announced that end user queries in Box AI for Hubs, Documents, and Notes will be unlimited for organizations that […]
  • Adobe wants to make it easier to store, access, and “remix” marketing assets with the addition of a new content hub in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).  The content hub is accessible as part of AEM Assets, Adobe’s digital asset management tool, and connects with GenStudio — a separate app for managing marketing content. Unveiled last […]
  • Google has released a tool designed to allow enterprises the management the security of worker’s browser setups. Chrome Enterprise Core, released on Wednesday, allows organisations to configure and manage Chrome browsers across their organization. The free-of-charge cloud-based utility also offers a mechanism for organisations to gain better visibility into Chrome browser deployments. Chrome Enterprise Core […]
  • Just because you can do it doesn’t always mean you should — and when it comes to app sideloading on iPhones and iPads in Europe, (and elsewhwere), IT must take steps to lock down their devices to ensure only trustworthy apps and data make it to Apple devices used across the company. That’s the first takeaway from my […]
  • If you’re a Slack user, you’ve probably noticed some differences in the way the chat app looks and works. The company refreshed the user interface of its desktop app last year and has continued to make minor adjustments since then. These UI tweaks are meant to help you navigate your workspace and collaborate with your […]

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