Welcome to TechNewsFeeds.com

TechNewsFeeds.com – A great resource to quickly preview news feeds from over 200 popular tech news websites and blogs. The news feed content on the site dynamically updates everyday to present you with the latest news posts and headlines.

The “Speed Dial” button is the core component of the web site. When you see this button you can click on it at any time to be transported to the main dashboard where I have amassed a collection of over 200+ “tech news feeds”, that scans for new content everyday from the most popular tech news websites and blogs on the internet. If you love tech, you have come to the right place. Thank you for visiting and help spread the word.

How to use the TechNewsFeeds.com Speed Dial

TechNewsFeeds.com is a NEW solely owned and managed web site, hosted by WordPress.com, that is a constant work in progress. The site specializes in news feeds from the most popular tech sites and blogs on the internet . As a result, the site dynamically changes everyday to provide anyone that has a passion for tech with a resource to consume as much tech information (and news) in a very short timespan.

In other words, instead of jumping around and visiting the various tech sites on the internet to see what is new, you can visit TechNewsFeeds.com and visit the news feeds from these sites in one place to quickly review new headline postings from any particular site that interests you. In order to make efficient use of the web site, it is important to learn how to use the “Speed Dial”. It is very easy…

Continue reading “How to use the TechNewsFeeds.com Speed Dial”

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